Beef Goulash

Beef goulash

Goulash is prevalent in many variations throughout Central Europe. The most famous version of goulash comes from Hungary. It’s a thin soup with pork or beef meat, peppers, potatoes, and lots and lots of paprika. 

Meanwhile the Czechs have their own version of goulash.

Czech beef goulash is called Český guláš (Czech goulash) or hovězí guláš (beef goulash) in its homeland. This goulash is a thick stew made with diced beef, onions, garlic, tomato puree, paprika and other spice. 

It’s a one of the top-stars on pub and traditional restaurant menus across the Czech Republic where it is often served topped with sliced fresh onion (red/white), with simple boiled/steamed bread dumplings on the side, and accompanied by Pilsner beer, of course.

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